We work with local innovators to craft solutions to difficult problems.

We operate from a base in Nairobi, Kenya, a thriving East African hub for social entrepreneurship, innovation, and technology. From this dynamic setting, we capture and share knowledge with entrepreneurs to transform their own ecosystems. We “tether” communities, ideas, and opportunities and empower our partners with planning and design processes, business and support networks, and new ideas for approaching organizational growth and project management.

Our Services

Our team believes that short-term, project-specific support to entrepreneurs has limited impact on their success. For entities in complex places, extended time with partners and keen attention to their potential and challenges is required. We are one of only a few support mechanisms working in post-conflict and other complicated settings with social impact focused entities.

Strategic Planning and Advisory Services: We use different approaches and tools for lean business planning and strategic visioning that result in a stronger articulation of foundational questions for an organization, such as: who are we, what problems are we solving, what meaning are we making, and how can we organize ourselves effectively. Building on this structured process, Tethered Up identifies for clients priority areas for growth, including storytelling and marketing, organizational development, and financial management.

Resource Mobilization: We support our clients in connecting with a range of stakeholders who can help them grow. Through our understanding of market needs and support vehicles, we assist both for-profit and non-profit clients in designing and implementing business development plans and fundraising initiatives. We continuously look for opportunities for synergies and collaboration among clients and partners, leading to new marketable ideas and innovations.

Organization Strengthening: As our clients grow, we identify critical areas for improvements. We provide direct advisory services and introduce our client to other service providers in the following areas: accounting and financial management, organizational development, project management, and storytelling and marketing.